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The Self and its Shadows: A Book of Essays on

The Self and its Shadows: A Book of Essays on

The Self and its Shadows: A Book of Essays on Individuality as Negation in Philosophy and the Arts by Stephen Mulhall

The Self and its Shadows: A Book of Essays on Individuality as Negation in Philosophy and the Arts

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The Self and its Shadows: A Book of Essays on Individuality as Negation in Philosophy and the Arts Stephen Mulhall ebook
ISBN: 9780198748229
Page: 352
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Format: pdf

A Book of Essays on Individuality as Negation in Philosophy and the Arts. For him, philosophy was insight into the whole of truth, the study of reality in all its Plato is equally at home in the highly technical treatment of negation in the Sophist and of the insect, its special biography, in other words, its unique individuality. The self and its shadows : a book of essays on individuality as negation in philosophy and the arts / by Stephen Mulhall. Without a subscription are not able to see the full content. His most recent publication is The Self and Its Shadows: A Book of Essays on Individuality as Negation in Philosophy and the Arts (OUP: 2013). 2013 The Self and Its Shadows: A Book of Essays on Individuality as Negation in Philosophy and the Arts (Oxford Universty Press). 'Melting Whites and The Self and its Shadows : A Book of Essays on Individuality as. The Self and its Shadows: A Book of Essays on Individuality as Negation in Philosophy. The Self and Its Shadows: A Book of Essays on Individuality as Negation in Philosophy and the Arts Mulhall, Stephen. The Self and its Shadows : A Book of Essays on Individuality as Negation in Philosophy and the Arts. Negation in Philosophy and the Arts.

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